Friday, March 28, 2008

Part 2 I lost Mom

The DR offered us pallative care, and I said yes without thinking. My older sister arrived in the mean time, and as a family we met with the pallative care Dr. Our only concern was that she be made as comfortable as possible while she transitioned. He offered us Hospice and we all agreed it would be what mother wanted. Unfortunately it was to late to move her that day, we timed the meds the time it took to take effect and they were not holding her. We explained to the nurses and then the DR that we believed that she was uncomfortable, the DR gave mom a double shot of activan and she was finally visibly comfortable. I left her at 3:00am came home and slept. When I awoke it as my sister on the phone, hospice had an opening and Mom would be moved at 2:00pm. My older brother was the only one not there. We packed up her room..and waited for the ambulance...then for the hospital to get their paperwork together. My brother and daughter went ahead so they would be there when she arrived, I rode in the ambulance with mom I talked to her all the way reminding her that Guy was coming asking her to wait for him. We arrived at hospice within 15 minutes. The nurses asked us to give them a little bit to get her settled..5 minutes past and they came out of the room ushering us in saying its' close very close. We gathered around her praying..Thanking God for giving us this great Mom and we were giving her back! 3 difficult breathes..3 minutes later my mother was gone. I will never forget those last three breathes, just like I hope I will never forget the many laughs and good times we shared. I love her..but her suffering was to great to hold her here would have been selfish. Momma..mommy..sweetpoo..gram...tine You will be missed! But I will see you again. I needed to write about best friend is undergoing the cure for this cancer right this moment at the university of arkansas and I know my mother is cheering her on. Please send your prayers as well for Gina!


Quietspirit said...

I am so sorry to hear about your mother. It is never easy to loose your mother whether it is suddenly or slowly. May God continue to bless you and your family. May the Lord look down and extend His healing touch to your friend Gina too.

Anonymous said...

Peace be with you, My Sistah. I lost my precious angel 02MAR02, her earthly vessel is gone, but her spiritual presence has never left me. Please continue to write and journal everything taht you can think of. This was one thing I did and it helped so much. We sometimes have things "bottled up" in us that we are not aware of. As I begin to write--I just wrote and did not take the time to think before I wrote. Wow! Sometimes I will thumb through that journal and just say Thank you Jesus, had it not been for Your Grace & Mercy, I would not have made it through. Continued Peace and Blessings to you, your family and your Friend Gina.

Maryee said...

Much peace and strength to your during your time of grief. I will pray for you and your family's strength as well as spend some quality time with my Mom this weekend. Prayers going up for Gina as well. Blessings...